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2018 Our World Film Series

Short Night Films


“Hold the Phone”

Directed by Valerie Langlois, Groton-Dunstable High School

“Overactive Imagination”

Directed by Patrick Snow, Acton TV


“The Adventures of Mopy”

Directed by Dennis Tsai, Massachusetts College of Art and Design

"An Aural Anthropocene"

Directed by Julia Sagaser, Smith College

“The Shepherd”

Directed by Luke Catena, Boston University


Directed by Troy Lustick, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

“Hanging by a Thread: Home Free”

Directed by Anne-Suze Pierre, Bunker Hill Community College


Directed by Dennis Tsai, Massachusetts College of Art and Design


Directed by James Alexander, Boston University

The Boswell Incident

Directed by Wes Palmer, Boston University

Scene from "Monkey"

Scene from "The Adventures of Mopy"

Scene from "Overactive Imagination"

"An Aural Anthropocene"

Scene from "XianSe"

Filmmakers in attendance:

Left to right: Patrick Snow, Julia Sagaser,

Valerie Langlois, Dennis Tsai

Julia Sagaser,

"An Aural Anthropocene"

Dennis Tsai,


"The Adventures of Mopy"

Valerie Langlois,

"Hold the Phone"

Patrick Snow,

"Overactive Imagination"

2018 Our World Film Series Short Night Program (click icon to download)

Feature Foreign Films

Tampopo, 1985


Director: Jûzô Itami

Chocolat, 2000


Director: Lasse Hallström

Yellow Submarine, 1968


Director: George Dunning

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