ABCC Our World Film Series
2019 Our World Film Series
Short Night Films
“Love Thy Neighbor”
Directed by Aiden Hamell, Belmont High School
“Bug Squad - Snowball Fight”
Directed by Ali Barker, Endicott College
"Stop-Motion, Unscripted"
Created by Ariel Grubb, Michelle Holt, and Gigi Bennett,
Lesley University
“Die Hard Fans”
Directed by Nicholas Girard, Written and Produced by
Alexander Rajotte, Edited by Skylar Saddow, Fitchburg State University
Directed by Anton Saich, Boston University
“25 Cents”
Directed by Bryan Boyle, Stonehill College
“You Could Use That”
Directed by Dan Harris, Fitchburg State University
Directed by Carter Zhao, Boston University
“The Bartender”
Directed by Travis Newsad, Boston University
Poster for "Love Thy Neighbor"
Poster for "Love Thy Neighbor"
Production still from "Late"
Filmmakers in attendance:
Left to right: Dan Harris, Skylar Saddow, Alexander Rajotte, Michelle Holt, Ariele Grubb, Travis Newsad, Ali Barker
Alexander Rajotte,
"Die Hard Fans"
Travis Newsad,
"The Bartender"
Michelle Holt, Ariele Grubb,
"Stop-Motion, Unscripted"
2019 Our World Film Series Short Night Program (click icon to download)
Dan Harris,
"You Could Use That"
Skylar Saddow,
"Die Hard Fans"
Ali Barker,
"Bug Squad - Snowball Fight"