ABCC Our World Film Series
2023 Our World Film Series
Short Program Films
“In Cod We Trust” *
Directed by Raphaël Edwards and Seonghoon Eric Park, Boston University
"Guided by the Moon"
Co-created by Ali Houraibi and Michael Mitchell, Lesley University
Directed by Elias Stevens, Wheaton College
“Hey Mom,”
Directed by Alyssa Moses, Cam Stefek, Kely Maloney, Pete Sethanant, and Sean McCarthy, Suffolk University
“'Time is a loop', I wish”
Directed by Yue Hua, Emerson College
“Pink Spacesuit”
Directed by Emma Hillebrecht, Boston University
“Saved by Love” **
Created by Valentyn Arden and Zack Furnari, Boston University
“Figgs’ Very Merry Christmas”
Created by Brandon Krish, Jackson Murphy, Andrew Foley,
Oliver Ciric, and Basil Iacampo, Emerson College
* this film is not available on Acton TV broadcast or YouTube channel
** this film is not available on Acton TV YouTube channel
The 2023 Short Program was broadcast and streamed on Acton TV local cable access (Channel 8 on Comcast and Channel 45 on Verizon cable systems) on Friday June 9, Friday June 16, Friday June 23, and Friday June 30 at 9:00PM.
The program is now available on Acton TV's YouTube channel.
Poster for "'Time is a loop', I wish"
Scene from "Figgs' Very Merry Christmas"
Scene from "Cacophony"
Scene from "Guided by the Moon"
Scene from "Hey Mom,"
Scene from "Pink Spacesuit"
Scene from "Saved by Love"
Yue Hua
"'Time is a loop', I wish"
Raphaël Edwards
"In Cod We Trust"
Valentyn Arden and Zack Furnari
"Saved by Love"
Emma Hillebrecht
"Pink Spacesuit"
Seonghoon Eric Park
"In Cod We Trust"
Cam Stefek
"Hey Mom,"
Kely Maloney
"Hey Mom,"
Pete Sethanant
"Hey Mom,"
Ali Houraibi
"Guided by the Moon"
Michael Mitchell
"Guided by the Moon"
Elias Stevens
Brandon Krish
"Figgs' Very Merry Christmas"
Jackson Murphy
"Figgs' Very Merry Christmas"
Basil Iacampo
"Figgs' Very Merry Christmas"
Oliver Ciric
"Figgs' Very Merry Christmas"
Andrew Foley
"Figgs' Very Merry Christmas"
Filmmakers in attendance:
Andrew Foley, Brandon Krish, Oliver Ciric, Zack Furnari, Valentyn Arden, Emma Hillebrecht, Elias Stevens, Ali Houraibi, Michael Mitchell
Oliver Ciric, Andrew Foley, Brandon Krish
"Figg's Very Merry Christmas"
Zack Furnari, Valentyn Arden
"Saved by Love"
Ali Houraibi, Michael Mitchell
"Guided by the Moon"
Elias Stevens
Emma Hillebrecht
"Pink Spacesuit"