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ABCC Our World Film Series
2015 Our World Film Series
Short Night Films
“Phony Friends”
Directed by Alex Kamb, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
“Ida’s 85th”
Directed by Julia Iglesias, Boston University
“Bitter Roast”
Directed by Jonathan Buck, Curry College
“Into the Night”
Directed by Kate Li, Boston University
Directed by Fannar Thor Arnarsson, Boston University
“Rest in Peace, Albert Lively”
Directed by Jack Garrett, Boston University
Directed by Joseph Dwyer, Boston University
Filmmakers in attendance:
Actor David Erik Finn ("Bitter Roast"), Joe Dwyer ("Dreamers"),
Alex Kamb ("Phony Friends"), Todd Davis (ABCC Our World Short Night coordinator)
2015 Our World Film Series Short Night Program (click icon to download)
Feature Foreign Films
Picnic at Hanging Rock, 1975 (Australia)
Director: Peter Weir
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