ABCC Our World Film Series
2020 Our World Film Series
Poster for "Off Beat"

Poster for "A.L.I.C.E"
Scene from "Pennybrook Rd."

Poster for
"Moments in Motherhood"
Poster for "Tides"

Scene from "Forget Me Not"

Short Program Films
Directed by Allison Chaves, Wheaton College
Directed by Anthony Denham, Fitchburg State University
“Forget Me Not”
Directed by Brooklyn Murdick, Simmons University
“Moments in Motherhood”*
Directed by Elizabeth Cautela, Fitchburg State University
“Off Beat”*
Directed by Derin Kiyak, Boston University
“Pennybrook Rd.”*
Directed by Emad Barakat, Boston University
Directed by Kevin Rogers, Boston University
“Yasuni National Park: The Real Power Belongs to the People”
Directed by Oriana Camara, Wheaton College
*not available on Acton TV On-Demand.
(Note: The short films were broadcast on Acton TV local cable access channel on Friday, June 26th at 7:00PM, and Saturday June 27th at 7:00PM, on the Acton TV Public Channel.) The program is available on Acton TV On-Demand here.

Scene from "Discipline"

Allison Chaves, director, "A.L.I.C.E."

Elizabeth Cautela, director,
"Moments in Motherhood"

Emad Barakat, director,
"Pennybrook Rd."

Brooklyn Murdick, director, "Forget Me Not"

Kevin Rogers, director, "Tides"

Oriana Camara, director, "Yasuni Naitonal Park"

Derin Kiyak, director,
"Off Beat"
Anthony Denham, director, "Discipline"